Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Hey everybody, I just wanted to make a quick little blurb on here to say happy thanksgiving. No matter what happens, we've all got a lot to stop and say thanks for. So, in between helpings of turkey and pie, say a little thank you think about how lucky we all really are.

Have a great day everyone, and Hook 'em.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the end of days is nigh

Earthquakes. Floods. Locusts.

Well, ok, there's no locusts, but crazy stuff is happening in bocas town. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

One week ago today, we had an earthquake, or as I like to call it, an "oh my god what the hell is going on? We're all going to die everyone save yourself". Well, not really. It wasn't all that bad; in fact, I almost slept throught it. I was resting peacefully, off in my little slumber world when the quake struck. The earth was angry that day my friends, but I remained mostly oblivious. You know when you wake up, and you're kind of half awake but still dreaming? Well, that's what happened. I was jolted to alertness, but didn't quite wake up. I vaguely recall knowing that I was in the house, but the sleepy guy that I was thought that the house was on a boat and it was just the ocean acting up. I relaxed, and let the violent shaking rock be gently back to sleep. The next morning, I didn't even remember what had happened until someone asked me if I felt it. The more I thought about it the more my little dream came back to me and i realized that I'd slept through and earthquake. Fun times. The epicenter was on the border of Costa Rica and Panama, or thereabouts, and we didn't really even get the full force of it, but it was still enough to shake some things.

So that was fun, but it was just the beginning. Then the rain started. It has been raining, nonstop, (not an exaggeration) since the day after the quake. We're going on nearly a week here of just a steady, moderately hard rain. I'm safe, i'm ok down here in bocas, but inland there's a lot of damage. The roads are washed out and there are landslides all over the place. The only real bad nature thing here is the super super high tides. I went to the store the other day to get a bottle of water, and at the counter, i was in knee deep water. Carenero is pretty much underwater already; the whole thing is just a big swamp except for the beaches that skirt the island, but there were some waves crashing and flowing inland. It was interesting to watch. Not only that, the floods have knocked out the internet, the cell phone service, the landline service AND the ATM's on the island. (They all used the same dish tower) No planes have come or gone for several days save one or two privately chartered flights. People are stranded. I'm fine though, except I pretty much ran out of money yesterday. With the ATM's out, my cash was dwindling. I didn't have any groceries because I had just moved into a new apartment and i was hungry. With seven dollars in my pocket and no idea when the ATM's would come back online, i headed to the store. I stocked up; a can of tuna and a bag of chips cost me three dollars. It was so hard to spend that money because I just knew the ATMs would never work again and i'd run out of money and starve to death. Back at my place i ate my feast and watched a movie. It was a sad night. At one point, I was looking for a pen or something in my backpack and came across my little body-purse thing that I had worn in panama city. I vaguely recalled my dad telling me store some money away somewhere in case of emergencies, but I couldn't remember if i had done it or not. I checked the pockets and pulled out the most beautiful $100 bill that I had ever seen. I put on my bed, straightened it out so I could revel in its glory, and said a loud genuine thank you to my dad. It was a great moment, and just in time for the thanksgiving season.

Today though, everything is pretty much back up, ATM's included. It hasn't rained all that much today and I think the sun may actually come out. The bad news is that more rain is on the way. I'll be fine everybody, i promise, so instead of worrying about me, think about the people inland that need help. All things considered, the whole thanksgiving thing has taken on a whole new meaning to me. I'm so thankful and humbled after everything that's happened and i want to say an honest thanks to everyone that reads this, consistently or not. You guys are great, and although I've had a great time here, I've got the itch to get back to texas.

Once again, thanks for everything so far guys, I miss you all and I'll be thinking of you on turkey day when I crack open a fresh can of tuna.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am alive. I'm aware that it's been several weeks since my last little blurb on here, and for that, loyal fans, i am sorry. But the bottom line is that I am still breathing and still going strong here in beautiful bocas del toro.

The reason I haven't really updated much is that not a lot had really been going on around here. It was pretty slow up until about a week ago when the excrement hit the proverbial fan at los balcones. As you know, I have been waiting tables there when we're lucky enough to have a few customers, which was quite rare. Anyway, it caught up to us and the place is pretty much going under. Going under in that it's pretty much bankrupt. Gabriel, the owner, isn't even around anymore since his wife had a baby a few weeks ago and they're living in David, a city about four hours away. So he comes in a few days a week to check up on the place and fret over the lack of money the place is bringing in. So, the place has been pretty damn slow. I mean slow. There were a few nights in which we served absolutely no food. None. No customers. Not a good thing. And yet, i'm still there, technically working, making my $2 an hour the easy way. I went through a few good books at work. So, the lack of customers and the payroll didn't mix well, and eventually, Gabriel had to let one of the cooks go. Miguel was his name. I was teaching him english and he was so nice and happy all the time that it was really hard to see him go. With his departure, there were something like 6 workers left. Payday came and went without so much as the promise of a payment. Moods soured and it became apparent that this ship was going down. Fast. I continued to work like the busy little bee that I am; gave me a good chance to catch up on my reading and napping and spanish practicing. A week passed, again with no money. Juan told me that he was going to quit, and it became apparent that I should probably consider the same course of action, after I get my money. Gabriel kept giving me later dates, promising to pay the next day or the next week or whatever and eventually, I went on strike. I called in and said, hey, um, i'm not going to work again until I get paid, so, yeah. Gabriel apologized profusely and swore he'd have the money the next day. So when that day rolled around, i went into work to get my money and continue to wait tables. How naive I was. I got there and wasn't going to set any tables or do any real work until I got my money, so I chilled out in the kitchen with Juan and Rosanna. Eventually, Gabriel comes in and asks if he can meet with me in the office. Moment of truth. In the office, he tells me he's really sorry and he's in a lot of debt, you know...the whole sob story forgive me type thing. I told him it was cool, i understand or whatever, I just want my money. It's just business, nothing personal, I just want my money. He showed me a little sheet with my hours or whatever and what he thought he owed me. It was about ten bucks more than what I thought i was owed, so I was alllllll for it. Then the bombshell came crashing into the office. "I'm really sorry man, but I don't have all of the money right now. I can give you about 80 bucks." Not cool. I had waited almost two weeks to get my money, and now this guy wants to tell me that he only has half of it? No, not going to happen. "Hey Gabe, that's not really going to be good enough. You're already two weeks late, I need all my money or I'm not going to be able to work anymore." Stern, yet amiable. I stood my ground. Then, the dirty rat said "yeah, man, you're right. You're a hard worker. I'll give you all your money." He reaches into his wallet and pulls out the remainder of my dough. I was incredulous. Did he really think that he could get away with just stiffing me half my pay? Did he tell me his tragic tale of debt so I wouldn't be surprised when he didn't have all my money? I wasn't hitting him up for a large sum of money. I wasn't going to break his kneecaps, yet. So after he paid me, he told me he can't afford to make payroll anymore and he'd have to let me go and how much it hurt him because I'm such a hard worker or whatever. So now I'm on an on-call basis over there and if they need me, they'll give me a call. They haven't called yet. I don't anticipate that they will, since last I heard there's not even a kitchen staff anymore. Just marisol making drinks for hotel guests and whatever gringos pull up in their boats. So it goes.

what else what else what else?

Joe's monkey pet stole my panama cell phone. Yes, this is a true story.

I was sleeping on the futon in my living room, and Joes pet monkey came in and was hanging out around me sleepy body. He was going through my pockets and I'm pretty sure he ran off with my cellular phone. It's pretty much par for the course, according to joe. The monkey takes things, hides them, and occasionally they're never seen again. I was pretty sure it would turn up at some point so I waited a few days before I broke down and bought a new one. Only in panama.

Other than those two more or less amusing anecdotes it's been pretty slow down here. My life is pretty much beach, sun, eat, sleep repeat. Sounds tough, huh? Actually, it's been a really cool experience so far, and I'm really enjoying it. I've seen a lot of cool things, met a lot of cool people and am going to have a really hard time leaving this place. It has most definitely been a learning experience and I feel like I've changed, even in a minor way, for the better.

One last thing, I almost forgot to mention. I went swimming a few nights ago after it got dark. I was having a good time, just splashing around, chilling out, when I noticed something in the water. It looked like bubbles were flowing off of my hands as I treaded water. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was not, in fact, bubbles, but something glowing under the water. It was phosphorescent algae, which is, gasp, a type of algae that glows when it's been disturbed. So, naturally, swimming disturbs them and causes them to blow up like cheap fireworks. It's probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's like swimming in a sea of green sparks. It's just one of those things that I never knew existed and now I can't forget. That's pretty much the story of my trip.

Once again, loyal reader, I am sorry it has taken me so much time to post here. It's not because I'm mad at you, I promise.
