I had Thursday and Friday off so naturally they were nasty days that kept me from doing to much outside. The good thing is that the weather here is kind of like the weather in texas, if you don't like it, wait, and it'll change.
I didn't quit my job at the restaurant. I decided I'd be straight with them and just go in and tell them what irked me and see if they appreciated my candor. I didn't get the chance though, because as soon as I went in on Saturday after my two days off, they told me I didn't need to work. They had finally worked out a schedule with another waiter and we both work three days a week, with the restaurant closed on Mondays. It's perfect. Now I have time to veg out in the sand four days a week! So I didn't end up quitting, and I probably won't for now. It doesn't pay a lot, but it doesn't need to. I only pay for food on days that I don't go to work, and it's so cheap that what I make each night at work more than covers it. Also, if you time it right, you can drink all day for 75 cents a beer. Not that I do.
So I've been hanging out with these guys I met at Bohmfalks for a week or two now, and they're pretty ok dudes. They live on the same island as my job and they have a boat, so I don't have to take a water taxi every time I need to go anywhere. I didn't get pictures of all of them, but I did get some on camera.
Ok, so, from left to right we have Taylor, Brian, and Tim. Tim doesn't live with the guys but he likes to hang out at their house and use the internet. He's had a pretty interesting life and he's a hilarious old surfer guy. Salty is the word that comes to mind. Now that I think of it, he reminds me Brian Doyle-Murray. Brian's cousin Josh also lives there as does Joe, the guy I jammed with at bohmfalks.
here's a view of the living room, which is basically a covered porch with, you guessed it, two hammocks and some chairs. Their whole house is kind of like this and the only rooms that are actually enclosed by walls are the bedroom and the bathroom. The rest of the house, including the kitchen, is just kind of an open air patio. It's really cool when there's a breeze coming in off the water and the view from their "living room" is hard to beat on a nice day.
Their dock broke one night while they were all standing on it so they were getting it repaired when I took this picture. Well, it wasn't actually getting repaired but it was in the process of about to be getting fixed. or something. Anyway, I took this picture a little before it usually gets dark, but there were some storms blowing in and it was super gloomy. Whenever storms blow in it seems like they're huge clouds of certain death. It looks really wild. The whole sky goes black and it looks like a Mount Doom. Even when it gets like that, though, the wind doesn't pick up too much and it doesn't get too crazy. It just looks like it. Despite all the darkness from the clouds, you can still see how clear the water is thanks to the flash of my camera. Here's another picture looking straight down from the edge of their living room. It was raining and the water looks cool.
I know I've said it a million times now but the water is so beautifully clear here. Sometimes when I'm on the water taxi to the other island, I can look down and see tons and tons of starfish. The other night, at work, it was kinda slow and the chef and I were looking out at the water and we saw a bunch of cuttlefish chilling out under the dock. They just kinda floated there being awesome or whatever it is that they do.
There's been some interesting developments at Bohmfalk's lately. I haven't been able to go there after work because his workers are on strike on his front porch, refusing to let people enter the building. Apparently he owed them some money or something. They've been there for six days now with a big sign that says "we have rights" or something similar in spanish. They're doing it all wrong though. They're just sitting out there, keeping Bill from making any money so he can't pay them back anyway. If they sold beer from his porch, they could pay it all off in a few weeks. Anyway, it came to a head the other night when I got off work. I saw my friend josh walking towards the bar after I got off the boat so got to talking to him. He said he was heading to his "friends' place". So, naturally, I went along. When we got closer to Bohmfalks, he handed me his drink and said, "When I get up on the porch, count to 15, and if we're fighting, come help me." So I knew immediately that I was in some shit. Apparently, Bill's former employees got tired of not letting people in, so they decided to not let Bill or his wife OUT of the bar. They called Josh because he had filled in for the workers when they had pink eye. The police really aren't an option here because: 1) Bill is white, and his workers are panamanian. and B) Because even if he wanted to bribe them, he didn't have enough money to do it properly. So Josh walked up and just kind of talked to the people about what was going on and eventually they let Bill out of the place. It went about as well as it possibly could have, no one got stabbed.
Luckily, nothing happened, and I ended up just getting some notes for a possible story for the paper. It actually turned out to be pretty funny and not dangerous at all, mom and dad. I promise. I just want the place to reopen so I can watch football there on Saturday.
Well, I need to get off to work. I'll take more random pictures and try to post more, lower quality, material more often.
1 comment:
greatest title ever.
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