I've been in bocas for about four days now. Sorry for the lack of updates, i have to come to an internet cafe to get online and I was more focused on getting myself oriented than i was on writing a blog. Anyway, it's beautiful here. The flight over from panama city was nice because it was still pretty early in the morning and there were thick clouds of fog that hung on the jungle as we flew over. The descent into bocas brought the clear-green water into perfect focus.
The blakers met me at the airport and gave me a quick tour of the town, not that there could probably be anything other than a quick tour. There's a main road and several offshoots. That's about it. After they showed me around, they took me to the house I'd be living in until i found a place of my own. Here's a picture of it:
I know it doesn't look like much, and that's because it isn't. It's basically a fifteen foot square of concrete with tin walls and a bathroom inside. There's a ladder inside that takes you up to a studio type area where the blaker's niece, jacy, sleeps. Jacy wasn't in town when i got in...she was out on a charter boat tour of the nearby islands and wouldn't get back until the next day, so i was on my own for at least 24 hours.
I did some exploring around town, walking everywhere so i could get a feel for the place and kind of figure out for myself where everything was. The house is only about a ten minute walk from the middle of town and its super easy to get around. The town itself is probably about the size of UT's campus, but could be a little bigger. Here's a picture of the main street, calle 3, in the middle of the day.
The streets in town are always super busy with people peddling homemade satchels or shoes or whatever knick knacks they've got to sell. There's also a ton of people on bicycles. I'm having a bicycle made by my neighbor, Junior, and it should be ready in a day or two, so I'll be joining the pedaling crowd soon enough.
The beach is a short walk from my house as well, and it's just gorgeous. I've been swimming there several times but have yet to take my camera because i'm afraid it might get stolen. before too long, i'll lug it out there and take some fotos.
I tagged along with Jacy and one of her friends to Wizard beach a day or two ago. It's on a different island, Bastimientos, but it's only a $2.50 boat ride away. Once we landed on the island, it was about a thirty minute hike through serious jungle to get the beach, but it was more than worth it. I can't think of a time that i've been the only person on a beach, much less a beach as beautiful as that one. The water was absolutely pristine and except for the occasional sand fly bite, the trip was just perfect. It won't be the last time i make the trek to playa wizard and next time i'll be sure to take my camera.
Here's a picture of the bocas breeze office.
that's where the magic happens. the magic of producing a newspaper, that is.
This is the view of the water from right next the office.
it's too bad that the sun isn't out because you can't see how pretty the water is.
Here's a pretty cool picture of the canal from the air.
I took this picture of a taxi as it zipped by me
most of the taxis here on the island are pretty new toyota or isuzu trucks. They pretty much have to be, apparently, because to get to some parts of the island you have to have four wheel drive.
That's all i've got for now. Hopefully, I'll take a lot more pictures in the coming days as well as find a reliable internet source where i can use my own computer and keyboard.
i still want to see a picture of the outdoor shower!
it's so nice to see what you've been talking about.
dude. jungle. awesome.
What are you going to cover while down there, monkeys?...that would be cool, I mean I read up on the howler monkey article, hard to top.
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